South Princess 114 Dom Raj.
Australian Shepherd
South Princess 114 Dom Raj.
Australian Shepherd
Sexo Macho
Nascimento: 25/08/2023
Cor vermelho merle
Peso 3.790 kgs
Microchip: 900215003625259
Observações: sem raboFale com o Criador Agora
South Princess 33 Freddie Mercury
south princess 26 my precious red
Angel Dreams Sumac Jer
aragom jr australian
south princess 02 black diamond
rio aussies back on the runaways "dior"
aspen de sillon alpin
Arauco Indomito It´s Only Love
CH.CHI.ARG.CH.JURU.JARG. limelite´s meet joe black
CH.CHI.CH.JCHI arauco indomito california dreamin
GCHS Ch Copperridges's Fire N Bayyouland
limelite´s jeni from the block
CH.CHI. hearthside sunrise story
bleuroyal let me pink